How many of you know this joke:
Pete and Repeat were sitting on a fence, Pete fell off and who was left. Repeat.
It’s funny and annoying at the same time. Especially, when it takes the person a while to get it.
I’m restating this:
Think and Rethink were sitting on fence, Think fell off and who was left. Rethink.
Rethink. That’s what I’ve been doing about my blog and my writing career. In the cross stitch community, when someone has loses their passion for stitching, we say they lost their “Stitchy Bug” and they ask for help to get it back. Especially when you have a BAP (Big A$$ Project) to get done. I have one of those affectionately known as the Damn Dog.
I tried to be a storyteller, but my anxiety would get the best of me. I once did a story telling gig at a festival. I had an hour. I was done in thirty minutes.
In storytelling, you don’t exactly memorize the story, but you know the story inside and out. You practice, practice and practice with recording your voice and in front of a mirror. I hated the sound of my recorded voice, and standing in front of a mirror- forget that. In that moment I knew I wanted to a story creator, not a storyteller.
I know we have to market to get our names out there. I know I have to Tweet, Facebook, and all the other stuff, but I want to do more than push my books. I want to engage with my readers. I want to get to know them. I want them to get to know me. I want to have a relationship. I’m going to do my best at marketing, but I am not going to worry about that anymore. My focus is going to be creating a good story.
I have included a couple of links about Jay O’Callahan. One talks about the power of storytelling, and the other is one of stories. It’s from the Pill Hill collection, which is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy them.
#storytelling #writing