My daughter’s ELA class, formally known as English to us old folks, does an exercise on Thursdays called “Drop and give me 20.” The teacher puts a writing prompt on board and the kids write for twenty minutes. This … Continue reading
I forgot a major item from my last evolutionary update. Fear. Yep, fear is a big item for me. Fear of success. Fear of failure. Fear of not having anymore stories in me. It’s all there ready to trip me … Continue reading
Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 is one of my favorite books. It’s a dystopian tale where books are banned and firefighters burn books instead of put out fires. It is a complex, socially profound piece of work. It was written during the McCarthy … Continue reading
Have you ever wondered what would happen if the voices in your head became real? I’m not talking about schizophrenia. I’m talking about “self talk.” You know when you do something stupid, and you say to yourself, “Oh, you idiot,” … Continue reading
I love music. When I was young I read an article in Omni Magazine that stayed with me. The article said, if one puts their DNA to music, it makes perfect musical sense. I used to joke saying that’s why … Continue reading
I have trouble sleeping. Sometimes it’s God trying to get my attention, because that’s when everything is quiet in my house. Sometimes it’s just the worries of the day. You know things like kids, money, husband, money, laundry, money…you get the … Continue reading
I’ve been thinking about this topic for a while now. I’ve tried to write this entry for about two weeks. I just couldn’t seem to find the words for what I wanted to say. Kind of ironic don’t ya think. … Continue reading
Stuff. I like stuff. Stuff can be fun. Stuff can be cluttering. So what stuff am I talking about? Writing stuff. I now have my author Facebook page. I now have a Twitter account, and I now have a website. … Continue reading
I found my story of Simon the Cat. I wrote it 20 years ago for my sister, who was having her first child. I put all of our pets that we have had over the years as characters in the … Continue reading
So, the story behind Pete and Virgil Save Spring…Sort of started off as a sequel to another story I had written years ago titled Simon and the Sweet Pea Root. It was written for my sister when my nephew was born … Continue reading